Toyota Things Come to Life

American Express Doppelganger

Shure Immersive

Telefoot The Foot

Lotus Stay Connected

Ida Cuellar
Ida Cuellar’s films convey a mix of curiosity, mischief and daring. The Barcelona born director likes to push boundaries, to tell stories that awaken emotions, all while maintaining a sense of wonder—both in his films and life.
Ida started his studies at the Imágen y Sonido school at ITES and finished his undergraduate degree at the Academia de las Artes Cinematrograficas de Barcelona. He would go on to the prestigious Escuela de San Antonio de los Baños where he received a master’s degree in directing. His filmmaking career started at La Truka (now Infinia) where he worked as an editor, but he would spend all his free time directing short films, which led to the first opportunities directing branded films.
It was not long before Ida started picking up international awards including a Cannes Lion, FIAP, Festival el Sol, Ojo de Iberoamérica, Miami Fashion Film Festival, Edinburg International Film Festival, Bilbao International Festival and Sapporo International Art Festival and has worked with a wide array of clients including: Toyota, Audi, Nestlé, Coca Cola, Burger King, Ford, General Motors, Renault, Huawei, PepsiCo, to name a few.
Ida is currently in post-production of his feature documentary “The Secret behind Dr. Grinberg” and continues to direct commercials.